Friday, December 28, 2012

National Treasure by Post - rewards sent to active AmClubs!

Copies of United States' historical documents were sent today via regular mail to most active contributors to the blog "American Clubs - Ukraine"!

This year our special greetings go to Novyj Rozdil and Sambir from Lviv oblast and Mariupol and Makeevka in Donetsk oblast!

We continue to welcome entries from school and university youth clubs, which promote non-formal learning of US history, culture and political system, connections between Ukrainian and American peers, as well as volunteering in local communities.

Clubs with greatest activity on the blog before 4 July 2013, will receive greetings on the occasion of Independence Day in the US with a pleasant bonus! :)

Please send your materials and inquiries to email: Your blog posts should contain brief information about the club, as well as contact details.

Clubs awarded in 2012: 

Наталія Наявко,
Новороздільска СШ № 4,
вул. С.Бандери, 5
81652, м. Новий Розділ,
Львівська обл.,Україна

Тетяна Гринкевич,
Самбірська СШ № 8
вул. Січових Стрільців 18,
81400, м.Самбір,
Львівська обл., Україна

Антон Пісаренко,
Диспут-клуб, кафедра МВтаЗП
проспект Будівельників, 129
87500, м. Маріуполь,
Донецька обл., Україна

Our special thanks to Andey Zelenskiy, from Makeevka school 58 for the activities on Bill of Rights Day:

Андрей Зеленский
Макеевская OОШ № 58
ул. Чигиринская, 7,
86121, г. Макеевка,
Донецкая обл., Украина


  1. Euroclub "life", American volunteer Erin Taylor are happy to get the prize, hopefully not the last one this year! We also hope to see more and more new clubs and listen to their stories.

  2. Thanks to you too, Tetyana! Best of luck and be even more active in 2013 :)
