Monday, December 10, 2012

A discussion about American Democracy and Foreign Policy

The public debate on the subject of “An American democracy model and the foreign policy perspectives of the second Barack Obama’s administration” took place on November 30 at Mariupol State University. 

The discussion was held by the “Challenges of 21st century” dispute club with the support of the university’s Department of International Relations and Foreign Policy and the NGO League “DIPCORPUS”. 

Considering recent presidential elections in the U.S., organisers of the talk-in decided to submit for the discussion this aspect which is of great importance for tough consideration and analysis. Two informative reports concerning the U.S. election system, the U.S. presidential election 2012 and the U.S. foreign policy outlook in Eastern Europe were made by students during the discussion. They entailed a number of questions and comments that caused an active and interesting discussion between the audience and speakers. All participants also had an opportunity to acquire the literature on Human Rights and Democracy provided by the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine.

It should be said that it is not the first public debate at Mariupol State University. Within the framework of “Challenges of 21st century” dispute-club a lot of disputes on different topics were held earlier.

“Challenges of 21st century” is the dispute-club that unites students interested in actual issues of modern International Relations. Web-page of “Challenges of 21st century” dispute-club:

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