Sunday, December 23, 2012

American volunteers in Euroclub “Life” in Sambir

Our students enjoy spending time with American volunteers – we had much fun in summer –American camp was gorgeous!

We like meetings with volunteers, as there are not only workshops or trainings, but we expect to have games, learn new activities and work on projects.

We spend much time with Erin Taylor now and don’t even what to think what we’ll do after June, 2013. Our volunteers are always in our heart – Abby Haddican, Matt Breznei, Nate Matusick, Erin Taylor! They changed our life in euroclub a lot, made it more colorful and exciting!



Peace Corps volunteer Erin Taylor introduces American holidays to students at the lessons and at the euroclub meetings. Halloween gathered lots of students as the holiday is exciting for them. Where else can students wear very weird costumes and played lots of funny games?

Erin doesn’t only presents the holiday but tries to play as many games as possible and students get a lot of presents. This day is special for all as Erin goes to different classes and they have fun!

Erin teaches about Christmas celebrations in America, traditions, games during Christmas season. Students like the holiday, as Erin shows them lots of presentations on the lessons, they sing songs, learn new ones and these lessons are never the same.

Christmas is fun not only for students but teachers as well as they are involved in some activities too. Teachers enjoy making balls for Christmas tree, they taste cookies, made by Erin and watch movies and quizzes with pleasure.

Christmas is fun for euroclub as well, this year we’ll have American Christmas in euroclub. But now  it’s still a secret. Very soon you will find out how it was and why it was fun!

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