Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Do you want to spend a year in a US university or college? - presentation in Kyiv

Kyiv EducationUSA Advising Center invites all interested, to attend a presentation on the Global UGRAD program.

The program is an opportunity for current first-, second-, third and fourth-year undergraduate students to spend one academic year of non-degree study in a US university or community college.

The event will be held by Oksana Koval, Education Programs Officer at IREX.

Presentation will take place this Thursday (December 27) at 5.30 pm at the
Kyiv EducationUSA Advising Center, vul. Esplanadna 20, (6th floor).

For more information on this program please see  http://irex.ua/en/education/ugrad.

Do not hesitate to bring your friends (first-, second-, or third- and fourth-year

Looking forward to welcome you there!

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