Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Peace Corps volunteer prepares for leaving Ukraine

What it feels to prepare for leaving Ukraine, having served two years as US Peace Corps volunteer? Find out in the new post on the blog "Oh pancake!"

Last week, I traveled back to Chernigov for Group 42′s Close of Service conference.  There, I met with the remaining PCVs who began Peace Corps with me two years ago. In September 2011, ninety-seven Americans arrived in Ukraine; in September 2013, the number has dropped to the low eighties (either eighty-one or -two). I saw there people I had not seen since swearing-in and I saw volunteers whose names I never knew and whose faces I only faintly recognized. But I also met up with some people who had once been an integral part of my service–training really–and whose friendship had somehow succumbed to distance and time spent apart.

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