Saturday, September 7, 2013

Europe starts with us! - Youtube campaign among Ukrainian youth

Ukraine - despite all that - continues to move towards European integration. European choice is not a matter of several officials and diplomats - it is a daily choice and actions by each Ukrainian.

As Mahatma Gandhi said, "Be the change you want to see in the world".

Ukrainian Network of Euroclubs invites members of European clubs, local youth join the campaign and create short videos under the slogan "Europe begins with us - I am changing Ukraine, are you?"

To join the campaign, participants and alumni of Euroclubs, Ukrainian youth are invited to do 3 simple steps:

1) Create a video with any recording device (preferably up to 2 minutes).
2) Upload the video to
3) Send the link to your video to our e-mail:

Please send your video by 25 November 2013.

More information about the campaign is available at:

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